How Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Stop Worrying


Are You Feeling Anxious And Panicked All The Time?

Do you always feel drained, tense, and confused because you keep fearing something awful is going to happen?

Have you experienced something so scary you’re constantly worried and preoccupied with negative thoughts? It could be you get so anxious it becomes hard to breathe. Perhaps big changes pushed you to the limit so now when something small happens your anxiety spikes.

Or maybe you wake up with that on-edge feeling you can’t get rid of, which makes you feel more anxious the more you think about it?

It could be you’ve spent some time without any full-blown panic attacks, only to have them come back. You then get negative thoughts like, “This panic episode is going to be as bad, if not worse, as it used to be.”

You probably don’t know what to do or why this is happening.

Anxiety Can Impact Many Areas Of Your Life

It may be the real on-the-spot panic you hate and are preoccupied with all the time prevents you from doing a lot of what you’d like to do.

Perhaps you feel restless and unable to relax because the physical symptoms never end. You might get headaches or stomachaches. Or maybe you shake, sweat, or get dizzy.

At this point, you’re probably looking for help with your anxiety symptoms. Fortunately, if you’re ready to work with a trained professional on anxiety treatment, you can truly change the way you think, feel, and live.

Nearly 20% Of American Adults Have An Anxiety Disorder

It sounds awfully high, but it’s true.

Basically, over 40 million adults struggle with some version of anxiety disorder symptoms.

And according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, when someone is experiencing anxiety attack symptoms, they’re dealing with “the most common mental health concern in the United States”.

So while your anxiety seems extremely personal (and it is!), anxiety is the “most common” mental health issue you could face as a person today.

Anxiety can come from a person’s upbringing, major life events, or trauma. Today’s society makes it harder by insisting we focus on perfection and being flawless. This can put pressure on a person’s job and relationships. No wonder someone with anxiety can find it difficult to heal and they just end up feeling alone with their problems.

Unfortunately, people who feel they’ve had to lock themselves away in order to survive their emotions or protect others around them often feel like a burden. That prevents them from reaching out for help, which exacerbates their suffering and prolongs the experience.

With my help, I can interrupt that cycle of anxiety and fear by giving you real ways of managing those symptoms and finally overcome that part of your life.

Anxiety Treatment Can Offer You Deep Healing And Lasting Comfort

You probably know by now your anxiety isn’t going away on its own. And you probably also know when you’re experiencing high anxiety symptoms, there are very few “quick fixes.”

Without deprogramming the deeper reasons behind your anxiety symptoms and reprogramming your brain to know exactly what you need to think and do… you probably won’t get the most out of anxiety treatment.

Fortunately, therapy for anxiety gives you the guidance and support you need to truly understand what’s going on beneath your symptoms. This will enable you to make conscious adjustments to how you think and feel, allowing you to experience deep healing and lasting comfort.

What To Expect From Anxiety Treatment

Some of what we’ll do in sessions is pinpoint your symptoms and what you want to experience differently. I’ll also gather details about what’s been happening in your life or relationships. Then I’ll develop an anxiety treatment plan that’s focused on your unique needs.

You’ll get a personalized action plan full of coping skills and strategies we’ll practice together in session… so you’ll be able to repeat them later outside session in those exact same situations we’ve identified and planned this way for.

Because of our professional relationship, all your concerns and our conversations will be held to the highest level of confidentiality. And all goals we come up with will get your final say.

In order to do this deep introspection, I’ll provide you with a safe, compassionate space of support where you can lean on me whenever you get distressed.

To get started, you and I will gently unwind and explore your feelings of worry and fear that cause the symptoms.

Then, I’ll help you boost your confidence with coping skills for potentially threatening situations.

And last, I’ll help you move beyond your fears and insecurities in easy, gradual steps so you start getting what you want in life.

Some Of The Evidence-Based Skills I Use In Therapy For Anxiety

Existential Therapy

Existential therapy helps when you have trouble feeling normal in life because you’re always worrying. As your therapist, this is how I’ll treat the isolation you may experience when the anxiety just doesn’t seem to stop and you wonder how to move forward.

Existential therapy addresses the sense you may have that anxiety has taken over your life, so we can find new ways to live.

(Click HERE to learn more about my existential style.)

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive therapy helps those negative thoughts which make you panic and just won’t leave your head. Over time, this reduces repeat episodes of anxiety and any scary pictures that keep popping up—experiences that can make you so worried they stop you from functioning.

Then, we can work on easing you into more constructive, healthy thoughts so you can process your way through challenges without me.

(Click HERE to learn more about my cognitive style.)

But listen, obviously I could go on and on…

Bottom line is:

At this point you probably know your feeling of being scared, worried, or threatened inside is blocking you from living the life you want for way too long now.

My job as your anxiety therapist is to help you realize your potential for happiness and give you the tools you need to manage anxiety so you’re in control of your life and you can live it on your own terms.

You May Have Some Concerns About Anxiety Treatment

Why do I need therapy if I can just take medication to get rid of my anxiety? 

For some, medication is enough to treat anxiety. But medication almost always works better in tandem with therapy.

I’ve seen a lot of people make the same mistake: they try to solve their problems by just taking medications… when they have problems that can never be solved with medications alone. 

Truth is, medication may not be enough to stop anxiety attack symptoms from returning because anxiety counseling helps where medication does not by getting to the root of problems. 

How do I know I’ve got anxiety and not just nervousness? 

There can be a lot of trial and error when you’re sorting out your experience of life.

And sure, you could do a quick Google search of symptoms and match them up with how you feel. But here’s what I know:

When you’re trapped inside high anxiety symptoms, any thought about anything else disappears. It disrupts nearly every part of your life, sometimes going way beyond the everyday stresses, jitters, and typical person’s nervousness. Sometimes it can manifest as a flood of panic beyond anything you can describe.

Most people with anxiety have a sense they need therapy for anxiety, but even if you’re simply nervous and you want some support, therapy is a great resource for living your best life.

Will I feel anxious after counseling? 

If you’re giving anxiety therapy a chance, you’ll notice something: 

The reality is anytime you face a part of yourself it can be challenging… but the job of an anxiety therapist is to be there for that person, help them make sense of their experience, and offer them ways of managing anxiety themselves so they can transform that pain into something that’ll help them thrive.

Let Me Help You Move Past Your Fear

If you’re ready for a change in your life and you think we could work well together, therapy for anxiety can help. Please call or email me for your free 15-minute consultation so I can assess your needs and answer your questions.

Let’s find out if we’re a good fit. I offer face-to-face therapy in Denver, CO, and I offer confidential online therapy and phone calls as well. Make sure to reach out when you can.


P.S. Take a minute and check out my anxiety blog posts that talk about everything from high anxiety symptoms to overcoming your signs of panic attacks.

If you’re thinking about suicide and are in immediate danger, please call your local emergency number. For Denver, Colorado, call 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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