Do You Want A Different Experience Of Life?

Maybe you have depression or anxiety, and it can make you feel lonely. You might find it difficult to enjoy life and get anything done if you’re too anxious or depressed.

Perhaps you’ve become good at hiding your emotions in a box… but sometimes it catches up with you, because it’s too hard to cope with this amount of distress and always hide it.
Fortunately, there’s good news… really good news, in fact:

Existential therapy can help you with depression or anxiety.

In other words, existential therapy can help you manage depression or anxiety and feel free again—precisely because it’s a form of counseling that’s designed to help people with these specific concerns.

If you’re considering existential therapy and you want to know more, here are some commonly asked questions and my take on them.

Existential Therapy Soothes, Comforts, And Heals

Existential therapy looks at how a person makes meaning out of life.

In depression treatment, this involves major concerns like the daily struggle, feeling down, and loneliness.

In anxiety treatment, this includes major challenges like panic, social anxiety, and physical symptoms.

Depression can make someone question the meaning of life… and anxiety can make someone question how to function in life. Existential therapy helps you shift your focus away from feeling hopeless to build on what you find meaningful so you can carry on and thrive.

How Does Existential Therapy Work?

As your therapist, my goal is for you to never need me again by helping you create the life conditions that meet your needs.

During our sessions, your only job is to explore whatever’s on your mind. It doesn’t have to be perfect or “normal”—just whatever you’re experiencing.

While you do this, my job is to keep your process within the context of depression treatment or anxiety treatment. In my experience, this will help you discover things you didn’t know that may change your feelings over time and show you new ways to take care of yourself.

It’s not just coping with anxiety or surviving depression that makes you free and strong… it’s going through the process of finding how to cope and survive.

Can Existential Therapy Help Other Issues Besides Depression And Anxiety?

Yes. Here’s a quick list of some issues you can treat with existential therapy:
· Suicidal thoughts.
· Relationships.
· Grief.
· Panic attacks.
· Drug use.
· Nightmares and dreams.
· Alcoholism.
· Phobias.
· Abuse (sexual, physical, emotional).

There’s nothing I like more than to get a client saying, “Hey John! I’m feeling better!”

But as I’ve treated more clients, I had a big realization:

Many people have more than just one issue, and sometimes they’re dealing with them all at once.

Because, for example,, if someone wants help on coping with depression, chances are they’re also hurting from anxiety… maybe their relationships are falling apart or gone altogether… so you have to get help on every aspect—not only feeling lost and empty, but every part of the hurt.

Someone with depression or anxiety can work with a compassionate therapist like me on how to find shelter in the storm and what makes hope and healing come back again.

Does Existential Therapy Say “Lighten Up”?

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No, I wouldn’t address someone that way when they feel like they’re a thousand feet deep under heavy water in a dark well.

Some say that society is becoming more accepting of people who deal with depression, anxiety or mental illness. But many still do not treat individuals who suffer from depression or anxiety as if they’re sick… instead, it’s with little respect.

If you suffer from almost any other illness, people will have compassion for you and just accept your illness. But because depression and anxiety are invisible, some people think it’s not as bad.

And so they think you can just turn it off or choose to feel normal and happy again. This can make you afraid to let others know how you suffer because you’re in fear of what they’ll say.

For my part, I will handle your depression and anxiety with the care and respect you deserve, and that includes having real human-to-human conversations.

Does Existential Therapy Work Online?

Yes, I offer therapy services online because existential therapy is just as effective online as in-person.

Unlike other kinds of therapy, existential does not need to be necessarily done in-person—because the main thing is our conversation. I will say I prefer at least some sessions be in-person so that way I can get a more grounded sense of you as a person, but its up to you.

Also, I will add that many praise the extra benefits of doing existential therapy online. Some people love the fact they can get therapy while in the comfort of their own home, not having to deal with traffic, and a bit more on their schedule.

Will Existential Therapy Work For Me?

Many people who struggle with depression and anxiety feel convinced they’re on their own. They may want to start thinking there’s a future, but they’re weighed down.

If you’re thinking you may need help with how to manage your depression or anxiety symptoms, I’d venture to say existential therapy would help you, so I encourage you to try it.

Sometimes people with anxiety and depression believe nothing seems to go right and they keep waiting to be happy… but it doesn’t need to stay that way. If you have depression or anxiety, you can use existential therapy to tap into the deep meaning you feel inside that helps you manage to keep going. Then you can use existential therapy to build that meaning into bigger healing and comfort.

Let Me Help You Find Meaning That Heals

There’s always hope even if you’re in trouble. With existential therapy, you can learn how to recover from and manage your depression or anxiety symptoms. Please call or email me for your free 15-minute consultation so I can assess your needs and answer your questions.

You don’t have to keep trying to fix your problems on your own. I offer individual therapy in Denver, CO, and I offer online counseling and phone calls as well. Learn more about the HIPAA compliant online therapy I offer HERE. Please reach out soon!


By the way, if you’re thinking about suicide and are in immediate danger, please call your local emergency number… so for Denver, Colorado, call 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.