The Secret Reason Behind Your Depression

Learn The Secret Reason Most People Are Depressed And What You Can Do About It

I’ve known a lot of people who are struggling with depression. And one of the things I’ve noticed is that almost everyone who’s depressed has a reason—a logical story why life isn’t working out.

The Secret Reason Why…

I’ve come to see that most people who are depressed carry around a “Secret Reason” for why they’re broken and struggling… a Secret Reason for depression.

For some it’s their appearance, for some it’s their age, for some it’s their lost opportunities… and for others, it’s a reason deep inside themselves… maybe it’s the childhood they had, or where they live, or who’s in their life.

Usually, this reason is part of a larger story they’d almost never share with anyone else because it comes from such a vulnerable, painful place inside.

What’s your Secret Reason for why you’re coping with depression?

Your Reason Isn’t As “Secret” As It May Feel

Here’s the best part about it… no matter how “private” or “personal” your Secret Reason is, you can find help for it in depression treatment.

Depression counseling can offer you the chance to finally heal from your Secret Reason.

Because guess what?

I guarantee you that there are many people in this world who have survived and managed your very same painful situation in depression therapy and moved forward with life.

I think that the “Secret Reason” is our way as human beings of making it easier to cope with reality…

The Reason For Depression Is Inside Ourselves… It’s The Way We Think And Behave.

The problem with a Secret Reason isn’t the reason itself… it’s the fact that most people don’t know how to recover from and manage their Secret Reason.

Even worse, Secret Reasons can wire themselves into our minds so deeply that we don’t realize how they’re affecting everything.

If you believe everyone makes you feel worthless, then you probably won’t even try to question it. You might just assume they’re right. This leads to more suffering, like feeling lonely and sad or being scared to talk to people.

If you’re someone who’s convinced there’s some big reason that’s preventing the possibility of it ever getting better, it begins to influence everything in your life.

So how do you heal?

I’d say this is at least a two-step process:

1. You need to find your “Secret Reason,” and you need to take it apart, study it and understand all its ins and outs with a depression therapist like me. This will provide you with an objective, professional view on what’s troubling you so you’re not alone in this any longer.

2. You need to learn about depression and what you personally need from life.

It really amazes me that you can walk into any high school or college and find a hundred classes on everything from computers to mathematical formulas… but zero books on what to do if you might be falling apart.

Stunning. But it’s true.

It’s Time To Cope In A Healthy Way

One of the reasons I put so much time and effort into learning how to be a depression therapist is because I really want to help those who are hurting from this kind of pain in life.

If you want help from a compassionate depression therapist, then I recommend you try depression treatment with me. If we work together, then we can use dozens of different therapeutic concepts, strategies, and step-by-step techniques for treating and managing depression.

I’m here to help you recover and move forward. If you’re in pain and you want some extra support, please contact me for a free 15-minute consultation and we can discuss how to work together.


 Find out more about Depression Treatment.


About The Author

John Younes, JD, MA, LPCC, NCC is a trained counselor who owns a private practice in Denver, CO. In general, he specializes in depression treatment using existential and cognitive therapy practices.

And if you’re thinking about suicide and are in immediate danger, please call your local emergency number… so for Denver, Colorado, call 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.